We believe baptism is a defining moment in the life of a believer. Baptism is a personal decision which demonstrates your faith and commitment to Christ in a public celebration, but more than that it represents your new life in Christ. Below are a few questions to consider before going ALL IN.
Why? We believe everyone who makes the decision to follow Christ must be baptized. The reason is simple; Jesus himself was baptized but He instructed us to do the same thing (Matthew 28:18-20). When we are baptized it helps others know that we identify ourselves as Christ followers.
How? We believe in full-water baptism rather than sprinkling. If you think about it, going completely under the water best represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6:4).
Who? We believe that faith must precede the decision to be baptized, so we do not baptize infants or young children (James 2:17-18). So anyone who confesses Jesus is Lord should set the date and take the plunge.
When? Baptism can take place any time, however most happen at the end of any Sunday service. Just let the office when you would like to schedule your baptism and we will mark it on the calendar. At the end of the service we will give you a few minutes to put on swim trunks and a t-shirt before baptizing you in the auditorium.